We know you love your Harley Davidson motorcycle. I mean, who doesn’t? The unique style of customization and that sense of confidence you get whenever you’re driving one is something we all need once in a while. But, as loyal followers of the brand, you must be aware that there is one central issue or problem surrounding the Harley Davidson, – and it is in their Twin Cam Engines.
You might ask yourself, ‘what is it in their Twin Cam engines that make it a potential major issue?’ Before answering that question – and giving you a helpful solution, let us clarify that we are not here to bash the Harley Davidson, neither to put it in a dark place. We are here to educate you, and to give you a little insight on what to expect on your first Harley Davidson motorcycle. Because yes, even the greatest and an iconic brand like the Harley Davidson is not safe from mistakes and certain plot holes. So if you are experiencing the same thing, and have Harley Davidson Twin Cam engine problems, then read on, and be informed!
Once again, we know how much you adore the Twin Cam engine Harley Davidson motorcycles. However, you still need to know and be aware of what exactly are you buying so there would be no surprise expenses once you start driving the motorcycle. There are plenty of defects in the Twin Cam engines. Enough potential issues to actually alarm you and make you think twice before buying one.
The main problem of the Twin Cam engine of the Harley Davidson is probably it’s the design aspect of the cam chain system. The actual design itself is designed poorly. It utilizes plastic shoes “riding” on the cam chains that can and will actually wear out in due time. Even with its brand new hydraulic tensioning system, this problem still exists and is not a lasting fix for the said issue.
Now, what is exactly the problem here? Note that the Twin Cam engine uses plastic shoes on the cam chains. When these shoes rub against each other, it will eventually wear because of the friction and the constant contact between the two rubber shoes. In really extreme cases, sooner or later, there will be metal to metal contact and this interaction causes metal shavings and may (or will) result in dangerous and fatal engine failures.
If this problem is left unfixed and not noticed, there is a chance that the entire engine of the Twin Cam will be destroyed; pistons, cams, even engine cases. It is a really serious engine problem that needs a lot of attention to get fixed.
The scariest part here is that it can fail at 15,000 miles and even the new hydraulic system can fail at 40,000 miles or less. The plastic shoes need replacing every 40,000 miles because of its weak durability.
Another scary part here is that even the new engines still have the probability of having the same problem with the older engines. It is important to check the engines first before buying a motorcycle. If it has a cam chain engine, there is a slight chance that it comes with the issues we discussed earlier.
Don’t hope that you will get straight answers from Harley dealers regarding this issue. If you really want to own and drive a Harley Davidson regardless of its twin-cam engine problems, then you got to help your motorcycle yourself. The good thing is that you can do some measures to solve the problems and avoid catastrophic engine problems in the future.
We do have a solution for your Harley Davidson twin cam engine problems. There are various gear systems you can use to directly combat the issue itself. Some experts suggest that this conversion on Twin Cam engines should be done, so you don’t have to worry and fret all the time and you can trust your engine once again. This gear drive replacement is one durable solution to the Harley Davidson twin cam engine problems.
Another thing that you can do is to invest in better oils for your motorcycle. Better performing oils can truly help in delaying the wearing and the destruction of the engine. Though you are still spending on more expensive oils, this is still a cheaper solution than the gear replacement. But, this does not solve the problem since it only delays its arrival.
Lastly, a fan assisted oil cooler can be used for your Harley Davidson twin cam engine problems. The company provides other products, aside from motorcycles, to aid you in your motorcycle needs. Harley Cooling is an effective way to help your twin cam engine. The oil cooler features a controlled fan that provides a continuous flow of cooling air, thus helping your engines cool down and reduce the wearing of the plastic shoes. This is recommended since it directly tackles the problem head-on.
The Harley Davidson motorcycle is one great brand but it is still not safe from problems and issues. You have to be careful when choosing and be critical in order to get the most from what you bought.
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