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Harley-Davidson Oil Cooler and Engine Performance

Harley-Davidson Oil Cooler and Engine Performance

Harley-Davidson Oil Cooler and Engine Performance

Your motorcycle — specifically, your Harley-Davidson — is a beast on the road, and to keep it running, you need to understand what makes it tick. While gasoline is the fuel that keeps it on the go, it’s important to keep in mind that another liquid plays a crucial role in your engine’s performance, and that is the oil. Therefore, the Harley-Davidson Oil Cooler is something you should look into for better performance.

Lubrication is the primary purpose of engine oils, but in addition, it also works to keep the motorcycle cool — regardless of whether it primarily uses a coolant or is air-cooled. It does this with the help of a specially designed Harley-Davidson oil cooler.

What you need to know about Harley-Davidson Oil Cooler

How does it work?

An oil cooler is essentially a small radiator that contains several thin pipes or coils. Oil enters one end of the radiator, passes through these thin pipes, and exits the radiator from the other end, causing heat to dissipate in the process.

Most people tend to think that oil coolers only work while the motorcycle is running at top speed. While it is true that oil coolers do work more efficiently at dispersing heat this way, bike specialists say that they also continue to shed heat even while the motorcycle is going slowly or even parked.

Why should motorcycles use oil coolers?

Keeping engine oil at a low temperature is essential because oil can begin to break down or deteriorate when it exceeds the normal operating temperature. The typical lifespan of engine oil is a few thousand miles; with frequent use and high temperatures, this lifespan can be quickly reduced.

In order to preserve the quality of the oil for a longer period of time, it is considered best practice to change the oil as needed in order to boost its lubricating ability, and to use an oil cooler (which can lower the oil temperature by as much as 30 percent) so that the motorcycle can enjoy the use of high-quality oil longer.

Does the Harley-Davidson motorcycle automatically come with an oil cooler?

Oil coolers are considered aftermarket additions to most Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Their design is typically suited to allow the installation of these parts. You can visit your trusted local provider of oil coolers and have specialists helping you find the right oil cooler for your particular bike. Afterwards, the Harley-Davison oil cooler installation can then be performed by experienced technicians to get your motorcycle running at top efficiency in no time at all.

With a top-notch oil cooling system in your motorcycle and the expert work and support of dedicated oil cooler providers, your Harley-Davidson can continue demonstrating impressive performance on the road for years to come.

Click here to find a new oil cooler and save your bike from the heat today!

NEW Reefer 2.0 Harley Oil Cooler

Keep your Harley® Running Cooler with UltrCool.

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Auxiliary Lighting for Nighttime Rides

Auxiliary Lighting for Nighttime Rides

Auxiliary Lighting for Nighttime Rides

There’s a unique charm to riding your motorcycle at night with auxiliary lighting. The air is cooler and the road is less congested. You can almost instantly feel more connected with your ride.

But despite all of these, a nighttime ride poses a few unique challenges, chief of which is the limitation of your eyes in terms of seeing in low light levels. Here, it is doubly important to see incoming traffic (and the occasional wildlife crossing the road) and making yourself visible to other road users.

Whether you are planning to ride at night or it is inevitable that you’ll be spending a few hours on the road after sunset, it is important to understand the deficiencies of a stock bike and the need for auxiliary lighting and other accessories which can make you ready to face the challenges of nighttime riding.

Bikes come equipped with headlights of differing qualities. Most bikes come equipped with HID lighting which is often sufficient to get the job done. However, there is always room for improvement and you can upgrade your Harley-Davidson headlamp to improve your nighttime vision.

Your first option is to choose a brighter bulb for your headlight. Alternatively, you can opt either for LED or HID lighting which can improve your visibility and vision.

The stock tail lights on your bike can hardly provide illumination to make you visible to other road users at night. Consider upgrading to an LED tail light which is not only brighter but also requires less power. Plus, these lights are known for their durability and easy installation.

You can avoid surprising other vehicles by your intent to make a turn by upgrading your turn indicators to LED ones, which are brighter.

Light bars and fog or spot lights are popular among owners of tourers and cruisers, making these bikes visible while improving the rider’s nighttime vision. If you are planning to add these lights, check whether your motorcycle and its battery can handle the additional load.

Another auxiliary lighting option that was initially popular among owners of tourers and cruisers is accent lighting which is mounted anywhere on the bike’s surface. Your choice of where to place these lights will depend on your personal preference, but again, check whether your bike can handle the extra load.

Another effective yet simple way to boost your bike’s visibility is through the use of reflective accessories to supplement its reflectors. Some of the most effective of these are plastic reflectors. However, if there is little real estate available on your bike, you can also consider using reflective tape on the wheels.

For more information Click here!!!

NEW Reefer 2.0 Harley Oil Cooler

Keep your Harley® Running Cooler with UltrCool.

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Reasons to Join Harley-Davidson Forums If You Have a New Harley

Reasons to Join Harley-Davidson Forums If You Have a New Harley

Reasons to Join Harley-Davidson Forums If You Have a New Harley

So you have a new Harley-Davidson and it’s your pride and joy. Every day, you look at it and marvel at the amazing craftsmanship that went into this fine piece of machinery that just naturally comes with a load of attitude. You have this sense of “blessedness” for owning one and you can’t contain it; it’s so much, you need to share it. Your best move, then, would be to find and join Harley-Davidson forums.

…they’re meeting places for people who want to know more about the most famous motorbike in the world.

Reasons to Join Harley-Davidson Forums

In these online platforms, you’ll find people like you who are completely in love with their Harleys and share the same level of enthusiasm for the magnificent machines — they probably can’t stop talking about how awesome the vehicle is, just like you. You can rave together and learn from each other.

Actually, that’s exactly what Harley-Davidson forums are for; they’re meeting places for people who want to know more about the most famous motorbike in the world. You can ask all sorts of questions here and get a multitude of useful (and even humorous) replies from folks who may very well be Harley-Davidson experts.

If you need care and maintenance tips, you can bet you’ll get an abundance of them — from general knowledge to more unique pieces of advice discovered by owners such as yourself, from experience or expertise. If there are Harley-Davidson events worth going to, these forums always abound with information about them and you may even find people who are directly involved in the events, as well as those who may want to go to the events with you.

It’s also worth mentioning that if you’re looking to upgrade the look of your motorbike, these forums are like the Custom Chrome site. Everybody has information on the different products you may want to check out, especially those included in the latest catalogue. Furthermore, since you belong to a group of collectors and aficionados, it’s highly likely that many of them have already carried out their own upgrades and can help you with your own, especially in terms of choosing which products are most compatible with your bike model, where to find trusted dealers, and who can help you flawlessly execute the upgrade you have in mind. You’re certainly going to have a blast with your customization project when you have a highly informed and enthusiastic community behind you.

And lastly, you can make great friends in these forums. You’ll be amazed at how your new Harley can lead you to even more joy by joining the forums, so make an effort to find and engage people in these meeting places — there’s no doubt you’ll enjoy being part of the big Harley-Davidson community.

Click here to find a new oil cooler and save your bike from the heat today!

NEW Reefer 2.0 Harley Oil Cooler

Keep your Harley® Running Cooler with UltrCool.